15 April 2014

Morning Ride in the Rain

The best rides in the rain start out in a light mist.  That was this morning.  The radar showed heavy rain on the way, so I figured I'd just get in a quick half hour before it all hit.  Better than regretting not going and feeling frustrated all day.

After half an hour, I was already soaked and loving it.  Generally, I won't start a ride in the rain, but on days like today it's always fun to be soaked and to just enjoy it.

I was also thinking that 65 degrees and wet would be great any day over cold and icy, which is what we had for a good chunk of the winter.

On a related note, saw this random post on Instagram from a spot near me last Sunday and had to shake my head.  I don't understand people who shell out that kind of money to ride a handful of times a year.  I like to think I'm not the judging type, but in some cases, apparently I am.

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